Katie Pannell, Naming Strategist and Founder of 26&thensome, and Amber Gilormo, Trademark Attorney and Founder of The Boutique Lawyer 

Co-taught by:

For a name worth 




  • Katie's exact method for creating names that stand out
  • Fun ways to get your creative juices flowing
  • Differences in Brand Names vs. Product Names
  • How-to know if your name idea is a keeper
  • Amber's step-by-step framework for making sure the name isn't already taken by someone else
  • Legal secrets to size up how strong your name really is as a trademark
  • Practical strategies for protecting your name's associated assets

What you'll learn:


cliche but true. see? 

you really don't want to miss this

  • 90 minute live taught workshop and Q+A session (valued at $750) 
  • Creative Brainstorming Exercises (valued at $147)
  • Naming Worksheet (valued at $47) 
  • Name Strength Cheat Sheet (valued at $29) 
  • Trademark Clearance Workbook (valued at $147) 
  • Trademark Process Roadmap (valued at $27) 
  • Name Protection Playbook (what to do before you file a TM) (valued at $97)
  • Ready to Trademark Checklist (valued at $29)

For the skimmers: